Columbus Ohio Logo Designers

- We have over 40,000 logo designers
- The #1 logo design service in Columbus, Ohio
- You'll receive dozens and even hundreds of logos to choose from
- Our Columbus designers are creative and versatile
- Receive a dedicated account manager and 24/7 support

We also have logo designers in Dayton, Ohio, Cincinnati, Cleveland, Toledo, Akron, and more.
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Customer Rating of 4.9/5 star out of 590 ratings
Columbus Ohio Logo Designers
Columbus Towing Logo Design
Columbus Towing Logo Design
This Columbus Ohio logo designer created some bold elements along with the color red to give it a tough and bold look. He did a great job capturing exactly what the client was looking for.
Columbus BBQ Logo Design
Columbus BBQ Logo Design
This Columbus logo designer really nailed this concept. The city backdrop with the words over-top is perfect. It's classy, unique and professional.
Logo Design Columbus Social
Logo Design Columbus Social
The client wanted a custom logo design that portrayed a group or many people. The logo designer listened and delivered a simple but very effective logo design for this Columbus, Ohio based business.
Ohio Trucking Association Logo Design
Ohio Trucking Association Logo Design
This Columbus, Ohio logo designer created a 100 year anniversary design for the Ohio Trucking Association. The designer did a great job in capturing exactly what the client was looking for.
Ohio Liberty Logo Design
Ohio Liberty Logo Design
This logo designer needed to portray freedom and liberty along with the state of Ohio. The designer did a great job with colors and the concept. The logo is simple and gets the message across at a glance.
Logo Design Focus on Intervention
Logo Design Focus on Intervention
This logo design is energetic and professional. This Columbus, Ohio logo designer did a great job incorporating motion into the design.
Finding a professional, unique and creative logo design for your Columbus-based business is a very important part of growing your company, and creating a brand that your customers will remember. Whether you need a design for your retail store front, website, service, clothing store, restaurant etc... LogoMyWay and the design community will deliver a logo that is creative, eye-catching and unique to your company.

We have thousand of talented logo designers from Columbus and all over world. Our logo design community understands the importance of a logo that stands out from your competitors. It's important that a logo speaks for itself and has a strong memorable brand.

Frequently Asked Questions

How It Works
1. After you fill out the contest brief and launch your contest we will notify all logo designers in Columbus, Ohio, and around the rest of the world that you need a logo for your business.
2. Throughout the contest you will give feedback, rank your logos and ask for changes from the design community. You'll see the logos coming in from logo designers all over the world in real-time.
3. Once your contest ends you will select the logo you like best.
4. The designer will upload all of the proper files you need for your new business.
How many logo designs will I have to select from?
The amount of submissions will vary. You can expect to see 40 to 100 logo entries with prize amounts from $200 to $400. As many as 100 to 500 entries can be expected with prize amounts between $400 to $1000.
How should my logo express my business in Columbus?
A good logo designer will look for a deeper meaning in your business and portray that through your logo. Make sure your design doesn't mimic a famous logo. You want your logo to be unique in Ohio and around the rest of the world.
How much should I pay for a logo design?
Our prices range from $200 to $1000. The higher the amount you are willing to offer, the more designs you will receive to select from.
How do I hire a logo designer in Columbus, Ohio?
We make the process of finding you the perfect logo design for your business simple and fun. To get started Go Here
Fill out the contest brief describing your business and set your prize amount. Once you launch the contest, you will start to see designs coming in from our design community in real-time.
Will my designer know what files I need with my new logo?
Yes, all of our Columbus logo designers are screened and have to be accepted into our design community. You will receive free variations and high resolution vector files. Your logo can be used on social media sites, websites, apps, mugs, pens, t-shirts and anything else you want your logo printed on.