Name On Logo: MIX Music Lounge
Our Slogan
No Slogan
What we do
MIX Music Lounge is a small (2,000 sq ft) cocktail lounge in Downtown Denver opening later this year. The decor will be: upscale, contemporary, hip, and warm. It will NOT be: trendy, pretentious, night-club like or cool-hole-in-the-wall band joint. We will have live music 5+ days a week and it will generally be upbeat and fun - thinks 80s cover bands, jazz, reggae, etc. However, the space will be a cocktail lounge firm and foremost - with the musicians being a key part of the atmosphere rather than the exclusive reason to stopping in. The colors of the space will be earth tones, creams, and dark browns ... and the lighting is soft spots in either real or artificial candlelight tones. The decor is similar to what one might expect to find in a cozy cocktail lounge at the top of a hotel overlooking a major city with a cool musician playing an extended set on a small stage.
Industry: Restaurant
Things to communicate through the design
1. Upscale, comtemporary
2. Hip, warm
3. NOT trendy, pretentious, or a
The target audience
Post-dinner, pre-nightclub cocktail lounge crowd that might be seeking something different from a generic martini lounge. Probably 21-40, either city dwellers or travel into from the suburbs quite often.
We like these fonts, colors and style
Winning logo will probably be be clean and simple, with an elegant lounge feel, yet edgy and hip.
You can play around with capitalization or even small-caps. Generally, we consider the name "MIX" and the description "Music Lounge". But the capitalization could be:
MIX Music Lounge,
Mix Music Lounge,
MIX music lounge,
Mix music lounge or event
mix music lounge
We probably DO need some kind of graphic/icon involved - but not one too music or band focused (e.g. no guitar or music note unless it was done in a clever, contemporary way).
Other than that, we have no preconceived notions except for what we've outlined above. Keep in mind it will need to be on an outdoor sign, website, business cards, etc. The logo needs to work small and large, B&W and color.
We're excited to see what you all come up with - and will be giving ongoing feedback throughout the process. Winner gets free bottle service on opening night if they care to find themselves in Denver!
Our design will be used on
(Web) (Print Media) (Billboards & Signs) (Mugs & Tshirts)