Prize Amount

$200 Prize


199 Entries

Contest ending time


1 Motion Logo Design Contest
Name On Logo: 1 Motion
Our Slogan
mOcean is a combination of the words "mind" and "ocean". It represents the vast and serene nature of the mind, analogous to the depths of the ocean. It is a symbol of tranquility, exploration, and the potential for personal growth. In
What we do
We host recovery based wellness events with fitness, yoga, and mobility with a strong emphasis on recovery of the muscles, joints, nervous system. We believe recovery is the most overlooked aspect of wellness at an individual level and the community as a whole. We guide participants through breath, meditation, ice baths, sauna, fully immersed nature and/or darkness experiences as well.
Industry: Events

Things to communicate through the design
1. a wave is a collection of drops of water
2. fire in relation ship to sauna and creating inner heat through movement
3. Would love to see harmony represented between these two elements even though they oppose one another

The target audience
people interested in creating peace and harmony in their life. People looking to relax their nervous systems from current stress or past trauma.
All ages, all body types, all fitness levels.

We like these fonts, colors and style
Looking for something that has a wave but shows it as a collection of drops of water. also, working fire into it somehow to express the heat generated through movement and the sauna experience. Personally I like clean and streamlined kind of minimalist, but open to creative expression.
As for color the water would be preferably ice blue, and flame would be nice blend of orange, red, and yellow.

Our design will be used on
(Web)  (Print Media)  (Billboards & Signs)  (Mugs & Tshirts) 
