Prize Amount

$400 Prize


1199 Entries

Contest ending time


Injury Unit Logo Design Contest
Name On Logo: Injury Unit
Our Slogan
Safety in Your Hands, Care in Our Heart
What we do
Injury Unit specialises in providing high-quality first aid kits and safety solutions, particularly tailored for on-the-road emergencies and everyday scenarios. We focus on ensuring individuals and communities in New South Wales and beyond are equipped and educated to effectively handle unexpected health and safety challenges. The company prioritises quality, reliability, and innovation in their products, and places a strong emphasis on educating the public about safety practices and first aid. Our mission is to enhance personal and community safety, making safety and preparedness accessible and straightforward for everyone.
Industry: Service Industries

Things to communicate through the design
1. Safety and Protection
2. Medical Expertise
3. Compassion and Care

The target audience
Individuals Seeking Safety Solutions: People looking for reliable and comprehensive first aid kits for personal, family, or workplace use.
Outdoor and Adventure Enthusiasts: Those who frequently engage in outdoor activities or travel and require portable first aid solutions.
Health and Safety Professionals: Including paramedics, first responders, and healthcare workers who value quality and reliability in emergency supplies.
Community Organisations: Schools, businesses, and community groups focused on enhancing safety and preparedness in their environments.
Safety-Conscious Parents and Caregivers: Individuals responsible for the well-being of others, particularly in family or caregiving settings.

We like these fonts, colors and style

Classic Red and White: Traditional first aid colors, symbolising urgency and care.
Cool Blues: Conveying trust, reliability, and calmness.
Earthy Greens: Associated with health, wellness, and healing.


Minimalist: Clean lines and uncluttered design, emphasising clarity and simplicity.
Modern Professional: Sleek and contemporary, appealing to a broad audience.
Human-Centric: Designs that feel approachable and empathetic, often featuring organic shapes or hand-drawn elements.

Our design will be used on
(Web)  (Print Media)  (Billboards & Signs)  (Television)  (Mugs & Tshirts) 

Additional Info Added Dec 30, 2023


- Aim to make logos without the slogan. I'd like an interchangeable slogan that doesn't jeopardise the integrity of the logo.


- I'm still not sure on my current slogan, if you have any suggestions please use creative freedom.
