Prize Amount

$300 Prize


209 Entries

Contest ending time


STAR Course Logo Design Contest
Name On Logo: STAR Course
Our Slogan
A Multidisciplinary Approach to the Sleep, Ties and Airway Revolution
What we do
I am a pediatric dentist and will be doing a course that focuses on pediatric tongue ties to help feeding and pediatric airway to help with sleep.
Industry: Medical & Dental

Things to communicate through the design
1. Professional
2. Modern
3. Cohesive

The target audience
This is going to be tailored to dental professionals. I am going to be teaching a course and want a new logo and marketing material that is cohesive with my existing logos, but not an exact copy. I want to have a different or unique feel to it so it has it's own identity

We like these fonts, colors and style
Our existing colors are bright blue, yellow, red/orange. Love star themed stuff.

Our design will be used on
(Web)  (Print Media) 
