Prize Amount

$225 Prize


162 Entries

Contest ending time


Chorus Benefits & Insurance Services Logo Design Contest
Name On Logo: Chorus Benefits & Insurance Services
Our Slogan
No Slogan
What we do
Our company does consulting and provides group benefits services for companies with over 100 employees. These services include Health & Dental insurance, Claims Auditing, Executive Pension planning, Investment retirement planning for employees, Online Enrollment applications, and group life insurance, etc. In short encompass all what a company for group benefits needs for its employees and employer.
Industry: Financial & Insurance

Things to communicate through the design
1. Results
2. Strength
3. Trust

The target audience
Executives, Business Owners, CEOs, Board Members, Human Resources, President, Vice President, Decision makers of companies..

We like these fonts, colors and style
Emphasis on Chorus. The whole name is Chorus Benefits & Insurance Services, however Chorus should have prominence and Benefits & Insurance Services can be in smaller font below Chorus or integrated in to where it does not over power the Chorus. The Colors should have a good blend or zip/net/financial/young/innovative feelings.. the website is [Login to view URL] There is no logo on it currently. The logo must be clean.. Below are examples of sites i have seen that have clean logos.. please do not copy these they give you an idea..

Here are two ideas...but please be creative and dont copy these..sleeek and clean are the reasons i posted these sites below..

[Login to view URL] (the Adam Duncan logo is nice)
[Login to view URL]

Our design will be used on
(Web)  (Print Media) 

Additional Info Added Aug 20, 2009
Mix it up with a possible Icon perhaps a Letter Icon of \"C\" first letter of chorus...remember the emphasis is Chorus.

Remember we are dealing with Professional Wall Street CEO type people..
