Prize Amount

$750 Prize


1891 Entries

Contest ending time


Red-Hen Energy Partners Logo Design Contest
Name On Logo: Red-Hen Energy Partners
Our Slogan
What we do
We are an oil and gas company based out of Texas. We participate in drilling oil and gas wells across the US.
Industry: Natural Resources

Things to communicate through the design
1. Vintage and basic.
2. History in oil and gas in texas and do not want to be too modern.
3. Simple logo. We invest wisely, not salesmen.

The target audience
Not reaching outward to general audiences. We need a logo to present to investors, publish online, and for print materials like hats and shirts etc.

We like these fonts, colors and style
Red with subtle black and green. Old school oil and gas, or gas station company concept. Focusing on the color scheme of old Texaco logos. We like the outline of a chicken footprint or track. (See ref image.) Only include "Red-Hen Energy Partners" or just "Red-Hen Energy". Star inside a circle, or Oil drop with a chicken footprint. Replace the old "T" in texaco with a chicken footprint or oil drop. consider using the wings from older Texaco logos. An oil drum or barrel.

Our design will be used on
(Web)  (Print Media) 

Additional Info Added Nov 14, 2023
I have added some random sketches. These were early concepts, but have some aspects we like. The oil drop with the border and the chicken foot. Oil drop with the multiple footprints. We do not have to use the "RH" letters, but were tinkering with the idea.

When using the name within the logo, please only use "Red-Hen Energy". We think it looks better to drop "partners" from the name.

We have re opened the contest and would like to consider using a silhouette of a chicken or "red hen" next to the company name. Possibly just the silhouette of the hear or upper body.
