Prize Amount

$200 Prize


260 Entries

Contest ending time


Financial Planning Lessons Logo Design Contest
Name On Logo: Financial Planning Lessons
Our Slogan
Audio Lessons for the Financial Planning Certification Exam
What we do
Audio lessons for the certified financial planners exam
Industry: Financial & Insurance

Things to communicate through the design
1. Lessons specific to the CFP Exam
2. Lessons are in audio format
3. Learn while walking or driving

The target audience
Those who want to get the Certified Financial Planning designation, Financial consultants, stock brokers, accountants, attorneys

We like these fonts, colors and style
Blue and white and black colors, Times new roman or Bookman or strong fonts that reflect the strength of a financial institution or a university, and colors and fonts that reflect wealth and intelligence must look professional not wacky or strange

Our design will be used on
(Web)  (Print Media)  (Billboards & Signs) 
