Prize Amount

$350 Prize


132 Entries

Contest ending time


Kids and Teens Orthopaedic Surgery Logo Design Contest
Name On Logo: Kids and Teens Orthopaedic Surgery
Our Slogan
No Slogan
What we do
We are a medical/surgical office geared towards treating the orthopaedic conditions experienced by children. We treat fractures, deformities, sports conditions with surgical and non-surgical treatments.
Industry: Medical & Dental

Things to communicate through the design
1. Safe, Friendly, Family-oriented
2. Pediatric population
3. musculoskeletal system

The target audience
Other orthopaedic surgeons and general public

We like these fonts, colors and style
Easily identifiable. Fonts that are playful, fun, sporty. Colors and designs that are bright, appealing to children and adults.

Our design will be used on
(Web)  (Print Media)  (Billboards & Signs)  (Television)  (Mugs & Tshirts) 
