Name On Logo: Boston City Singers
Our Slogan
Wings to Fly | 28th Season
What we do
Boston City Singers provides great music education to young people aged 4 - 18 from Boston's inner-city neighborhoods. We are renowned for our music - classical, medieval, folk, jazz, Broadway, international and multi-cultural.
Industry: Non-Profit
Things to communicate through the design
1. Professional music organization
2. Warmth, caring, inspiring
3. Diverse community
The target audience
1) Funders
2) Families
3) Other musical organizations
4) Diverse inner-city populations
5) Professionals
We like these fonts, colors and style
We like these fonts, colors and style
Primary PMS Color: Pantone+ 2736 Color Bridge Coated
Other PMS Colors we like: 2716, 107, 135, 325, 367, 298, 710, 308, 3295, 7540, black, 2726)
2) A type style that is bold enough to withstand printing on anything,
3) The logo should be able to be printed in one color or 2 colors or multi-colors, and
4) A typeface we can economically buy and use.
What we do not want:
1) Musical notes or clefs or sheet music
2) Something that is too busy
3) Photographs
4) a border around the logo.
Our design will be used on
(Web) (Print Media) (Mugs & Tshirts)
Additional Info Added Aug 30, 2022
This logo should feature the words "Wings to Fly" and
"28th Season"
Thank you!