Prize Amount

$200 Prize


203 Entries

Contest ending time

Ended Logo Design Contest
Name On Logo:
Our Slogan
No Slogan
What we do
An online source for San Francisco's Bay Area events, restaurants, movies, performers, venues, jobs, classifieds, etc.

Similar to other city websites.
Industry: Internet

Things to communicate through the design
1. San Francisco Bay Area Region
2. Professional/Informative
3. Entertaining/Cool

The target audience
San Francisco Bay Area residents, business owners, and visiting tourists looking for places to go, activities to do, food to eat, and jobs to work at.
There are no demographic limitations.

We like these fonts, colors and style
Surprise us.

We want you to bring the San Francisco Bay Area to us through your logo designs.

Our design will be used on
(Web)  (Print Media) 

Additional Info Added Aug 11, 2009
We think we have all the bridge logos we need. Can you please provide us with some other concepts based on our initial contest briefing statement for "What We Do":

"An online source for San Francisco's Bay Area events, restaurants, movies, performers, venues, jobs, classifieds, etc."
