Prize Amount

$550 Prize


548 Entries

Contest ending time


Jaci & Dakota's Logo Design Contest
Name On Logo: Jaci & Dakota's
Our Slogan
No Slogan
What we do
Jaci & Dakota's is our signature restaurant in the Westin Phoenix Downtown. We provide Arizonan style food with an upscale twist, using fresh ingredients from the area. The restaurant also features an adventurous bar menu highlighted by locally made ciders. The restaurant is adjoined by The Patio, home to Jaci and Dakota our two Saguaro Cacti who "grew" up just north of Tucson in the Sonoran desert making them native Arizonans.
Industry: Restaurant

Things to communicate through the design
1. Elevated experience
2. Modern design
3. Relaxed atmosphere

The target audience
Age: 25-45
Sex: Appeal to both Female and Male demographics
Location: Downtown Phoenix, urban environment
Income: $45-$150K
Occupation: Young professionals, business travel (consultants), and Conventioneers
Education: College educated and some with masters degrees.
Lifestyle: Urban dweller, looking for a place to hang and feel like they belong there. Enjoys taking their dog to Sunday brunch. Looking for things to do and enjoy along the light rail.
Interests: Loves great food, that does not feel like a chain. Enjoys unique settings, and great cocktails. They also love attending theater or concerts and sporting events.
Behavior: The customer does not look at the price first on the menu, they are more interested in trying something new. They like their server to make personal recommendations and want to enjoy their time together.

We like these fonts, colors and style
Jaci & Dakota are complimentary of one another but slightly independent. Jaci means beautiful and Dakota means friendship. We are most concerned with conveying this. The color pallet could derive from colors found in the southwest, but not literally.

Our design will be used on
(Web)  (Print Media)  (Billboards & Signs) 
