Prize Amount

$400 Prize


699 Entries

Contest ending time


CauseWell Insurance Services Logo Design Contest
Name On Logo: CauseWell Insurance Services
Our Slogan
Our Cause is Your Financial Wellness (optional use)
What we do
1.) Insurance Services
2.) Would like to be able to add descriptive words like (Homeowners, Auto, and Business Insurance) underneath or near the logo, but I want the logo to be iconic / simple and to be able to stand on its own.
Industry: Financial & Insurance

Things to communicate through the design
1. Value
2. Trust
3. Competence

The target audience
Our Target Audience is families buying homes and cars as well as small business owners.
Demographics: Age: 25-59, Sex: more likely, female, Location: Suburbs, Income: $50k to $120k, Education: 4 yrs. College, Occupation: Blue or White collar prof., Lifestyle: Family Homebuyers, Interests: Sports, Gardening.

We like these fonts, colors and style
As to Style and Concept, here is my list:
1.) An iconic logo that works / looks good both online and in print. I'm open to playful use of the initials, "C, and W" as part of the icon.
2.) Would like the business name, "CauseWell" and the word, "Insurance" to be easy to read from a distance. Would like the word, CauseWell to be shown with a capital "W" in the middle of the word yet no space.
3.) Although I'm interested in color, the logo and font(s) should look good printed in black and white. I prefer one color or one color along with black fonts.
4.) Ok, with an ICON and the words printed next to it or underneath it. Would like to be able to use the logo as an actual icon in some places (for example, something that looks distinct and recognizable as a favicon using CW, CWI, or CWIS).
5.) If you do use color, I like colors in the following ranges: a.) #0e5d67 and/or #67180E (would consider these together since they compliment each other and would also look good just in black and white), b.) #596C33 and/or #45336C for the same reasons. c.) #2B38F3 and/or #F3E62B (just because I love yellow - however I'd be a little concerned that yellow would be difficult to read or fudge up with white backgrounds, etc. I'm not stuck on any of these but I'm open / interested in bold / colorful ideas. Also, these should be considered just ranges and complements - not exact colors wanted. I like emerald or olive greens, burgundies, blues, yellows - in that order - am open to anything cool. (sorry for the broad range there).

Our design will be used on
(Web)  (Print Media)  (Mugs & Tshirts) 
