Prize Amount

$200 Prize


119 Entries

Contest ending time


St. Fairsted Farm Logo Design Contest
Name On Logo: St. Fairsted Farm
Our Slogan
where good things grow...
What we do
A small farm located in Texas operating a Community Supported Agriculture "Basketeer" program along with a farm stand. Our vegetables are naturally grown; we also raise cattle, hogs, chickens and rabbits.

A few of the many Vegetables that we grow: tomatoes, cabbage, squash (many varieties), southern peas, watermelon, cantaloupe, cucumbers, radishes, green beans, onions, okra, eggplant etc.
Industry: Miscellaneous

Things to communicate through the design
1. Eating Healthy is fun and doesn't cost a fortune
2. Nostalgic feel of simpler times & rural areas
3. Down home Cooking from fresh farm food

The target audience
Targeted audience- Mainly Female age 30's-50's, educated, environmentally oriented or childhood farm memories and Enjoys cooking.

We like these fonts, colors and style
The font for the farm name has always been Black Chancery. I would like to continue to use it but if I just absolutely love the logo I will consider another font. Visit the website: [Login to view URL] to get a feel for my style. (I have designed this site myself.)

Colors: Blue, Green, Yellow &/or Brown. (almost all shades)

I do not want horizons with sunrises, red barns, john deere tractors or roosters. Nothing trite.

Our design will be used on
(Web)  (Print Media)  (Billboards & Signs)  (Television)  (Mugs & Tshirts) 
