Prize Amount

$200 Prize


205 Entries

Contest ending time


The Crossing Logo Design Contest
Name On Logo: The Crossing
Our Slogan
Where Real People Meet the Real Jesus
What we do
We're a brand new Bible-based Christian ministry in Montana. Our primary purpose is reaching out to people through personal relationships.

We're on the fence about the slogan. The idea we want to communicate is "Where Jesus and Real Life Meet," but we don't want to rip off another great church that already uses that slogan. If you can think of other wording along those lines, you might try plugging it in instead.
Industry: Religious

Things to communicate through the design
1. Simplicity
2. Importance of relationships
3. Come as you are; no masks

The target audience
Should appeal to 20-40 year olds and people who may not be familiar with "churchy" themes.

We like these fonts, colors and style
For the first couple days here, we just want to see what you guys can come up with creatively; we'll provide feedback as soon as we start receiving entries.

A few guidelines:
- The logo needs to work against a dark or light background
- The logo needs to look nice in color, but also in B&W
- Probably muted colors (blues, greens, and earthtones good), but we're open to a good scheme

Another idea to keep in mind is that we're located in the Rocky Mountains right on the Continental Divide. It might be interesting to see how mountains might be worked into the logo...

Our design will be used on
(Web)  (Print Media)  (Billboards & Signs)  (Television)  (Mugs & Tshirts) 

Additional Info Added Jul 11, 2010
Here's our current "work in progress" website, to give you a better idea of who we are:

EDIT: Sorry to keep switching this up on you all, but we've finally finalized our slogan as "Where Jesus Meets Real Life"

As I wrote below, we won't be judging designs based on the slogan, since (as I understand it) minor tweaks like those can be worked out after the contest has ended.
