Prize Amount

$225 Prize


222 Entries

Contest ending time


Spiritual Copy Logo Design Contest
Name On Logo: Spiritual Copy
Our Slogan
Cash-attracting sales copy with Empathy, Integrity, & Authenticity
What we do
I use the spiritual power of words to create a persuasive, client-attracting marketing message or sales letter that gets attention, forges a deep connection, and moves the prospect to action.
Industry: Consulting

Things to communicate through the design
1. Integrity
2. Authenticity
3. Spirituality

The target audience
My target audience is made up of spiritually aware business owners and entrepreneurs. They can be in any industry, but they TEND to be in the self-improvement industry (coaches, trainers, etc.), natural health industry, or the "guru" business. They understand the power of persuasive copy to grow their business and are looking for ways to get better results with their marketing. But they don't want to come across sounding "hypey" or "salesy" or like a "used car salesman". They tend to be "deep" individuals because of their spirituality. They believe in the Law of Attraction ("The Secret"). My best clients are already successful, and can afford to hire my copywriting services. I train or coach less successful business owners who are looking for any edge they can get in business--without compromising their values. To my audience, values are much more important than money.

We like these fonts, colors and style
I really like the Intentional Chocolate logo: [Login to view URL]
I like the simple, drawn look of the figure in lotus position. I'd like to see some designs with a similar kind of figure behind the text "Spiritual Copy".

However... I also want to communicate the "cash-attracting" nature of the work I do. Perhaps a nod to "The Secret" wax seal would be interesting if it doesn't make the logo too busy. (Otherwise, it can simply be an extraneous design element worked into my website, business card, etc.)

Colors I particularly like: blue (as the primary color)... secondary colors: teal, maroon, purple (Purple has spiritual significance, but I don't want to overdo it.)

Our design will be used on
(Web)  (Print Media) 
