Prize Amount

$350 Prize


239 Entries

Contest ending time


ATSM Logo Design Contest
Name On Logo: ATSM
Our Slogan
Testing simplified. Efficiency amplified.
What we do
ATSM = Automated Test Service Management.

We create GUI test automation software for non-technical testers.

Typical GUI automation software, such as Selenium ( ) is designed for developers (coders), or technical testers.
We provide a simplified GUI that allows non-technical users to create and edit automated test cases.
Example: open a browser, go to website, login, search for product, order product, logout.

This greatly enhances the productivity of a tester.
Industry: Technology

Things to communicate through the design
1. Simplicity
2. Productivity
3. Versatility

The target audience
Testing specialists, managers, and decision-makers at large corporations.

We like these fonts, colors and style

Color scheme

no preference


Logo must include a prominent icon / graphic – i.e. no text-only logos.
Logo and text should be separate / distinct – i.e. don’t use the word “ATSM” and turn one letter into an icon.

Themes we have considered: gears, levers.

ATSM makes people much more productive, allowing one person to do the work of many.
Gears and levers are similar in that they use physics to increase the output of a single person.
Open to other themes / graphics.

Logos we like:

  1. Winning graphic (#137) from contest 1643 ( but not the text)

  2. Design #125 from contest 1623

  3. Design #166 from contest 1617

Simplicity is a core theme, so the logo should reflect that. i.e. no Rube Goldberg machines.

Our design will be used on
(Web)  (Print Media) 
