Prize Amount

$300 Prize


77 Entries

Contest ending time

Ended Logo Design Contest
Name On Logo:
Our Slogan
Resources 4 Kids
What we do
Our organization is dedicated to gathering and creating information and resources for families and children in our community into one easily accessible place. We are working with children's museums, libraries, child care providers, schools, charitable organizations, mom's and dad's groups, kid friendly restaurants and other businesses whose business is providing products and services for children. We are going to become the "one-stop shop" for parents and kids to find fun, learning and the things they need.
Industry: Internet

Things to communicate through the design
1. We are dedicated to helping parents and kids.
2. Kids should have FUN, LEARN and GROW!
3. We are and we search, find and provide Resources 4(for) Kids

The target audience
All parents of children. Parents of children with special needs. Parents moving into our community because of corporate job changes or other life circumstances.
Public and private organizations from kid-friendly restaurants to the directors of the boards of museums. Directors or managers of charitable organizations that provide services and seek support from the community.

We like these fonts, colors and style
We are a widely varied group, ourselves, in terms of cultural background, educational level, language and economic status. We are all about fun, learning and growing for ourselves as well as our kids. We will chose the winning design as a group.

Our design will be used on
(Web)  (Print Media)  (Billboards & Signs)  (Mugs & Tshirts) 
